Space is a premium in tiny houses and getting enough storage and living space can be extra challenging especially if your interior layout has a complicated floor plan. Good thing that there are homeowner-friendly hacks that you do to maximize your space without compromising livability.
Floor to Ceiling Bookshelves
If you love to read a lot of books or you have a mini-library of some sorts then you might as well convert a part of your wall as a floor-to-ceiling bookshelves so you can store all the books you love. Not only you remove extra space from a standalone bookshelf, you also make your tiny house library one of a kind!

Semi-Opaque Materials for Windowless Rooms
If you have a windowless room, lighting would be an issue because you need to have the lights on most of time. You may probably need an energy-efficient LED lighting but nothing compares to natural light. What if you replace one of the wall with a semi-opaque materials like custom-made acrylic glass or the latest app-controlled glass that become opaque at the touch of a button? Not only you let that natural light in, your tiny house look awesome on the opposite side especially if you have RGB colored lights that you can change on a whim.

Wrap-Around Porch
Bringing the outside in or on the side is one way of increasing your living space without spending too much. A wrap-around porch is a cost effective way of adding extra space in your tiny house without breaking the bank. All you need is extension roofing and wooden deck.

Add a Loft
Some may want a chandelier or a very spacious living room but when you live in a tiny house, every possible space counts. So if you want to maximize your space, why not add a loft bedroom or office in your tiny home.

Sliding Walls
Not all rooms in a tiny house are utilized all time so it is efficient if you use a sliding wall or door so you can conserve space that can be used to other domestic activity like cooking or entertaining guests.

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