Have you ever thought about living alongside your best friends on the same neighborhood? It is something to dream about and not everyone can get to experience. But for four Texas friends and their partners, they have this so-called 'Bestie Row' where they live in tiny houses lined up next to each other.
The daily grind of modern living can become stressful so a group of friends in Austin decided to purchase a ten-acre land near the Llano River in Austin, Texas. The couples, who all love nature, hired architect Matt Garcia to design four energy-efficient 350-square-feet tiny houses costing about $40,000 per built.

All tiny house units have a bedroom, living room and bathroom based on a minimalist design with concrete floors, grained plywood and metal exterior to minimize the cost and carbon footprint. An additional 1,500-square-foot cabin was also built complete with a kitchen and living area as a shared space for the friends to get together.
As they live in a dry, arid climate, water supply is limited so saving a lot of clean water is essential. Fellow homeowner Frank Zipp said that they reserve water for the native trees and glasses as well. In order to do that, Garcia have incorporated a 'butterfly' roof in every unit so that they can capture excess rainwater and then recirculate it to supply water in the property.

Who would have thought that you can start a sustainable community with friends in a remote and relatively-harsh environment. Well they did. They even rent out the property when they are away to other people who are interested live out this special place.
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