Maximize Storage Space with Kaidan-dansu

The Japanese has mastered the art of maximizing space in small houses with the use of step chests called Kaidan Dansu. We all know that the stairs are dead spaces that we seldom use to place furniture or stuff. But using it as a storage space is one way of gaining more storage especially when you live in a home where storage is a premium.

Popular during the Edo period, these step chests incorporated drawers and sliding doors. Though primarily intended as stationary adjuncts to the building architecture, they were designed to be moveable if necessary. In the Tohoku region north of Tokyo, Kaidan were sometimes positioned in farmhouses for attic access and the seasonal nurturing of silkworms under the thatched roofing. Japanese use of "structural dead space" for storage, thus leaving floor space more open is paralleled in 19th century America by the Shakers.

Kaidan-dansu looks better if it's aged with the natural signs of distress while some modern homes would have a more modernized style. Other variations may have storage spaces at multiple angle by installing drawers on the steps itself.


  1. In small spaces, the key is to always go vertical in order to utilize as much space there is to create storage and maximize the area as much as possible. This can be done below staircases or inside of furniture pieces. The idea is to keep the concept concealed so as to avoid creating a mess or a clutter.

  2. It's an interesting storage idea but I think properly built-in cupboards would be just as space-efficient if you have it planned out right. Of course, if you're going for the whole oriental look in your house with your décor then by all means of course, otherwise, think carefully about how you can really maximise the storage space in your home!

  3. I like how this storage idea is so oriental looking. It gives the home a certain kind of exotic touch in addition to being so functional and helpful in getting your items all organized. If you have the space for something like this, it could be a really unique feature in your home!


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