Easy Room Dividing Tips

When you are living in a tiny house, it really makes sense to combine different types of living areas into one room in order to maximize your space. This is practical since not all living areas are utilized 100% of the time. You don't spend most of your time in the bathroom and you don't sleep all day.

Rather than each occupying a space, why not let the different functions share a same space? Here are specific design ideas that you can use to make two rooms from one or to separate one room into two rooms:

1. Use Movable Room Dividers
A simple divider will help you hide certain items for a specific time period and even create a temporary barrier for privacy. A divider will also hide the bed during daytime when you utilize the space as a living room.

You can also utilize a half divider to separate your bedroom from your living room.

2. Use Sliding Walls
The Japanese have mastered the use of sliding walls and you can incorporate this into your tiny house instead of the usual room dividers.

3. Use Fold Down Furniture
Using fold down furniture can create two rooms from one. One easy way is to use a fold down table to combine kitchen and dining room into one space. A small kitchen can be transformed into a dining room using just the fold down table.

4. Placing Toilet Sink in Bedroom
Some people may find it odd but it will save you some space. Why not place a toilet in the bedroom to let the same space be used for two purposes. One can get ready in the bathroom while the other gets ready in the bedroom.

5. Use a Floating Bed
The bed space is often the least utilized area in the house and one way of putting it away is through a floating bed. Since most of us don’t touch our bed until it is night time, it would be a good idea to place it between the wall and ceiling space thereby freeing the floor space to other stuff.


  1. This is a great reason to put storage solutions right in the middle of the room in full view of people but still using it with a functional purpose! Bookshelves are a great room divider but also awesome for other odds and ends too!

  2. Room dividers do not necessarily need to be made of a permanent partition. However, just a simple piece of furniture would suffice to do the trick like a storage cabinet placed in the middle of a room. The idea is to create separate areas so as to serve a different purpose each in the very same room.


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