Modern Multi-Functional Furniture for your Tiny Home

Most people think that when you live tiny, it would like living in a cramped, stinky and cluttered college dorm. If you just creative and willing to downsize your material needs then you will be able to adjust to a tiny house lifestyle in no time. Sometimes, you need multi-functional furniture that allows you to do things more than what it is intended to do.

When you live where space is a premium, you have to think outside of the box and find ways to maximize the use of a particular furniture so that a table will transform into a bed or a comfortable couch that also serves as a storage space. Here are some of the ingeniously-built tiny house pieces that will change the way you live.

Hidden Fun
There has always been an alluring side of living tiny and that is the way you can incorporate play and fun into your interior pieces and structures. How about a dining table that doubles as billiard or pinball arcade?

Deconstructing Storage
Gone are the days when storage spaces look so simple. There is now a unique way of storing your household items, use a box with random-designated open slots so you can hide your kids' toys or keep your favorite console games.

Transforming Table
If you need more space to sit down and entertain guests, you might as well have a transforming table-coach so that you can invite friends for dinner and have a hearty talk. You might as well be more creative by transforming your door into an extra dining table.

Adjustable Book Shelves
Love to read? Then this wonderful book shelves are the right one for you. You can constantly adjust it depending upon your ever-changing book collection. Consider this REK bookcase from Reinier de Jong.

Lamp in a Book
Who would have thought that you can combine the features of a book and a Japanese paper lantern? Well, Max Gunawan has designed this portable, rechargeable Lumio lamp so you can save space without compromising your lighting needs.

Furniture Storage
If you want to eliminate dead space and under-utilized pieces in your tiny home, make sure that every furniture has storage component so you can tidy up and declutter your living space.

3D Puzzle Pieces
Another innovative and space-saving furniture that will help you increase your footprint inside your home is the use of 3D puzzle furniture. An end table can be broken down into different chairs so that you can accommodate more people.

Before you make the decision to live tiny, consider space-saving measures that will suit your lifestyle. Plan ahead and make contingencies so that your transition would be seamless! 


  1. If you don't have multi-functional furniture in your home, you'll have a real time of it trying to get things to fit inside a tiny home for sure! Best to get things that you can fold and keep away while you're at it too.


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