There has been two competing school of thoughts in the tiny house movement: tiny houses built from scratch or customized trailers and campers that have been retrofitted for full-time living. Living tiny needs a lot of compromises whether you chose one from the other.
There are advantages in living on tiny houses built from scratch that mobile living can't provide:
1. It is house just even smaller
Many tiny house advocates believe that a tiny home can feel more solid, well-built, spacious and permanent. It can make all the difference for someone who's going to downsize to something less than 300 square feet.
2. It is more weatherproofed
Tiny homes are generally better insulated and weatherproofed than campers since they are custom-built from the ground up. Owners can choose what kind of insulation and heating and cooling options that suit them and their local climate while campers are generally not built to be lived in for longer period of time.
3. Choice of non-toxic materials
In a custom-made tiny house, you can choose the materials and finishes. Finishes could be chosen for their low-VOC characteristics, especially for those with chemical sensitivities. We know this is possible in a tiny house and have seen it done; this is near-impossible in a mass-manufactured mobile campers.
4. Customization options
Tiny homes come in all shapes, sizes, builds and aesthetics.

If you prefer a much independent lifestyle then mobile camper living is your cup of tea. Here are reasons why it is better than the traditional tiny house lifestyle:
1. Flexibility
Mobile campers allow you to live anywhere since these are made to be moved. These are also built with lightweight materials and in an aerodynamic form, whereas tiny homes are much, much heavier and made to be moved very infrequently.
2. No technical issues
In many places, tiny homes occupy a bit of a grey area -- they are often built as workarounds to local codes and regulations therefore, difficult to insure. There are also places where the rules may not allow for legally living in a small home due to existing building codes that prohibit as such.
3. Much cheaper to live
If you are on a super-tight budget, buying a used, older camper to renovate may be the way to go . You can rebuilt it with salvaged materials and design it as an off-the-grid mobile home.
4. Easy to blend in
Tiny homes are made to be distinctive while mobile campers can blend in quite well, especially if they are the modified van camper type.
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