Who says you can't live tiny and be environmentally-friendly without compromising style? Well, the Toothman Foundation in Hawaii has raised tiny house living into a whole new level with their ambitious project called Elevate. It has been their mission to solve the following issues involving how we live:
- Insufficient water availability, poor air and water quality, and high energy consumption are exacerbated by the increasing population density and demands of urban environments.
- Metropolises all over the world face the challenge of continual growth. The most pressing problems facing cities in the world are: scarcity of space for new development and environmental degradation
And their solution is a house that looks like a tree on Minecraft.

No expense was spared in packing this tiny house with eco-friendly and sustainable features from temperature control to solar power. Unfortunately, the design has its drawbacks due to its unique design. People with disabilities would have issues accessing this type of tiny house.

In order to balance it and prevent it from falling down, the staircase to the entrance has to be extended. Underneath the house provides and ideal parking area.

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