Have you thought about living in a tiny house? If you don't, you have to know that it entails a lot of adjustments and changes in the way you do things. Bear in mind that living in a place smaller than your walk-in closet may not be everyone's cup of tea. But for those who are willing to go the extra mile, they will be able to reap the benefits of living in a tiny house.
Here are some steps that may help you with choosing the best type of small house for you and how to simplify your life so living in a small house is enjoyable and not confining.
1. Do your research
There are many types of tiny homes from as small as your bathroom to as big as your garage. Look at the designs which range from traditional to off-the-grid design that incorporate solar/wind power, rainwater collection, and composting toilets.
2. Know your needs and wants
Most people need a comfortable, dry, quiet place to sleep; a clean place to perform personal hygiene ; a comfortable place to sit or lie down during the day; a place to store, prepare, and eat food for the day. You may want other creature comforts such as long-term refrigerated food storage, a clothes washer and dryer etc. But think of combining these appliances in one machine. You have to make compromises and be creative enough to use multi-purpose fixtures and eliminate dead spaces.
3. Determine the benefits of living small
The good thing about living small is there is less space to clean. Not only that, there is less energy consumed since you don't need a lot of power-hungry appliances so that you will have lower electricity bills and a greener environmental footprint. There is less food wastage since you need a lot of fresher food on a more daily basis so there less need to store more food that will eventually spoil. You have more time available for outdoor activities and entertaining so you don't need to sell your house especially if you can tow it behind your car.
4. Know the full cost
Although you will save a lot of money in a tiny house, building it is a totally different story. There is a lot of thinking involved since designing for smaller areas is more complex. Compact appliances sometimes cost much more than full-sized appliances. If you are designing or building your own home on a trailer bed, you need to take plumbing into consideration.
5. Build from a kit or not
You can customize your tiny house to your own preferences but you can also get tiny house kits that can be constructed with ease. The cheapest option for small living is to buy a well-maintained used RV or travel trailer. It's your choice.
6. Downsize
The most difficult part in transitioning to small house living is paring down your belongings. It is crucial to bring in what you need and get rid of what you want.
7. Maximize your storage space
Storage is everything in any tiny home. Consider using custom furniture that provides ample space for your household needs.
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